The 6G-REFERENCE Partners Host the Project Virtual Pre-kick Off Meeting to Present their Work Packages

6G-REFERENCE, 6G Hardware Enablers for Cell Free Coherent Communications and Sensing, is an innovation and research project running for three years, until December 2026, funded by the Horizon Europe Program of the European Commission, and part of Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU), that started in January 2024.

Formed by a joint collaboration of ten research and industry partners from eight European countries, the project pre-kick off meeting took place virtually on the 19th of January 2024, attended by a total of 24 participants from all the consortium partners.

The objective of the virtual pre-kick off meeting was to present the project objectives and management for the three upcoming years, with special attention to the tasks and duties of each of the 6G-REFERENCE Work Packages (WPs). Further discussions about the project challenges, action plans and demonstrators definitions also took place.

The session also served as an opportunity for partners to introduce and meet each other’s backgrounds and roles within the project to properly launch 6G-REFERENCE, envisioning a future where urban areas are equipped with sustainable solutions that can cope with the ever-increasing traffic demands and population densification, while providing disruptive capabilities like the materialization of the internet of sense.

The 6G-REFERENCE Pre-kick Off Meeting Agenda

  • Partners introduction to explain their background and what they will do/bring to the project.
  • Project objectives: What? Why? How?
  • Project management (WP6): Reporting considerations, financial management, project meetings and follow-ups.
  • WP objectives, tasks, and deliverables:
    1. Overview of WP1 – System analysis and design.
    2. Overview of WP2 – Antenna array design and modelling.
    3. Overview of WP3 – Circuit design and modelling.
    4. Overview of WP4 – Development & demonstration.
    5. Overview of WP5 – Ecosystem Building, Outreach & Exploitation.
  • Brief discussion and way forward.

This meeting was continued on the 24th and 25th of April 2024 in person, were the consortium partners met in our coordinator Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) headquarters in Castelldefels, Spain, in the 6G-REFERENCE First General Assembly and Face-to-face Kick-off Meeting.

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